Reach Millions with Your Ideas on Any Digital Billboard Worldwide

Catch the Eye of Millions: Our 15-Second Totem Ads Service for Published Authors, Entreprenuers & Business Owners Anywhere in the World.


Your Message
Everywhere You Look!

From the busiest intersections to iconic landmarks, your brand will command attention and drive engagement on every screen it touches. Ghostwriting Palace has successfully implemented a new and exciting service that is tailor-made for authors like you. Our 15 seconds X 100 Times a day Totem Ads service is a targeted advertising platform that enables you to promote your books to a wider audience in New York Times Square and over 5000 screens across New York.

We understand that promoting a book, business or startup can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to reaching the right audience. That's why we have developed this service to provide authors like you with the opportunity to promote your books to a massive audience.

Our state-of-the-art targeting algorithms ensure that your message reaches the right people at the right time, increasing the chances of a successful campaign. With our latest implementation of Totem Ads in New York Times Square, your book can now enjoy 15 seconds of airtime on these screens 100 times a day, making it visible to thousands of people.

Moreover, authors, founders and organizations can now select any screen among 5000+ screens all over New York, including New York Times Square. This service provides authors with the flexibility to choose the screen and location that best suits their needs and budget.

At Ghostwriting Palace, we are committed to providing our clients with the best marketing solutions to help them achieve their goals. We are excited about this new opportunity to help authors reach a broader audience and make a significant impact in the global market.

Reach beyond boundaries and borders as your message lights up screens worldwide. With our cutting-edge technology and strategic placements, your brand will stand out amidst the digital landscape, capturing attention and driving results like never before.

For further details on this service, please do not hesitate to contact us at +1 (203)-885-7998.

  • 10+

    Year of Experience

  • 700+

    Book Writen

  • 250+

    American Writers


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Story Go Untold

Partner with us for results-driven strategies.

Amazing Features of Our Writing Services

Want to know why are we the best pick for you? Why should you choose us, and what sets us apart from the others? Let’s find out what we do best and what are some of the most highlighted qualities that we, as a company, have.

Ghostwriting Palace is all you need for your writing concerns!

At Ghostwriting Palace, we are a team of resourceful and passionate writers with a diverse background to work on your content needs. Our experienced writers are able to carefully draft multiple content challenges within the pressurizing deadline.

Our services includes, but are not limited to:

  • 1. Exclusively written content as per your requirements.
  • 2. Countless revisions to ensure your satisfaction.
  • 3. Dedicated managers to assist you and update you with the progress.
  • 4. Plagiarism free content – edited to perfection.

Ghostwriting Palace has a team of highly talented and experienced writers to work for you. Our clients enjoy a seamless communication with our corresponding agents who will regularly keep in touch with you. For us, our customers are our topmost priority and we work hard to fulfill our commitment. We provide guaranteed results and let our clients enjoy maximum benefits. Our services are timely, reliable, and tailored to perfection.

Ghostwriting Palace is all you need for your writing concerns!

Our service boasts a team of dedicated and passionate writers who are committed to delivering exceptional content. Here's what sets our team apart:

Our services includes, but are not limited to:

  • 1. Quality: Our writers provide content that exceeds expectations.
  • 2. Passion: Our writers are not just employees; they are passionate about their work.
  • 3. Collaboration: Our team works seamlessly together, leveraging each other's strengths.
  • 4. Professionalism: Our writers are committed to professionalism.

When you choose our service, you can trust that you are working with a dedicated and passionate team of writers who are committed to producing top-notch content.

Ghostwriting Palace is all you need for your writing concerns!

Our service is dedicated to ensuring your satisfaction, and we have a team of passionate writers who are committed to delivering content that meets and exceeds your expectations. Here's why you can trust us to provide guaranteed satisfaction:

  • 1. Customer-focused approach: For us, meeting customers' needs is a priority.
  • 2. Revisions and feedback: We value your feedback; it helps us meet your vision.
  • 3. Quality assurance: Our quality assurance process is one of the most rigorous.
  • 4. Commitment to excellence: We don't deliver subpar – we deliver excellence.

With our dedicated team of writers, we guarantee your satisfaction. We are committed to providing content that aligns with your needs, incorporate your feedback, meets the highest quality standards, and reflects our unwavering commitment to excellence. Partner with us and experience our dedication to ensuring your satisfaction with every piece of content we deliver.

Ghostwriting Palace is all you need for your writing concerns!

We are proud to offer top-quality services backed by our team of highly skilled and dedicated writers. Here's why our services are synonymous with excellence:

  • 1. Expertise: Our team consists of experts in their respective fields.
  • 2. Attention to detail: We pay close attention to every detail of your project.
  • 3. Customization: We understand that each project is unique and offer full customization.
  • 4. Timeliness: We value your time and respect your deadlines.
  • 5. Client satisfaction: Our ultimate goal is your satisfaction.

When you choose our services, you can trust that you are partnering with a team of writers who are committed to delivering top-quality content. With their expertise, attention to detail, customization, timeliness, and focus on client satisfaction, we are confident in providing you with the highest level of service excellence.

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